Dr. Narindr Vang


After realizing the potential and miracles of using hypnotherapy or mind programming as treatment, Dr. Narindr had decided to further his study into the subject, leading to him earning his Ph.D. in Psychology from ABAC in order to understand better the mind and body connection scientifically.

Dr. Narindr also earned his credential as a Certified Hypnotherapist Instructor from NGH (USA) the oldest professional organization since 1950 to be eligible to teach and train Hypnosis for those who want to be qualified as Professional Hypnotherapist as career.

Aside from his achievements, he feels that energy medicine or energy psychology will play an important role in the future for healing. Thus, he has taken time to explore learn and practice many other healing modalities: Quantum Touch, Pranic Healing, Chakra Clearing, etc.

Dr. Narindr finally ended up pursuing “Re-connective Healing and Reconnection” as his other preferred healing modality.

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